[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (2024)

If there is one thing the Dragon Ball franchise has never lacked, it’s variety and Xenoverse 2 is no exception to this. With a dense catalog of abilities to match the high-octane gameplay, it’s up to you to mix and match your skills into a unique fighting style we call a moveset.

By opening the menu, entering the customization tab, and clicking on the ‘change skill set button,’ you’ll be able to swap out the abilities your CaC brings into battle and this brings a uniquely powerful quality to custom characters.

The canon roster for the game understandably undergoes a fair bit of balancing to ensure no single character is too overpowered. Interestingly, abilities that could usually never be used on a canon character can be mashed together on CaCs for powerful results.

It’d take far too long to go down the line for every race in the game so today we’ll focus on one. Look no further as I present the best movesets for Saiyans in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!

#10. Super Vegeta’s Inner Peace (Good for PvE)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (1)

See Meditation in action

Vegeta has never been one to seek inner peace except when it came to settling his rivalry with Goku. That just makes it even crazier that his transformation pairs so well with Jiren’s Meditation.

Meditation is a skill Jiren uses that can be acquired from Parallel Quest 122 that temporarily raises maximum Ki to fifteen bars and activates auto Ki recovery. Combining this with Super Vegeta which raises the effectiveness of Ki blasts makes for a devastating moveset that maximizes Super Vegeta’s potential.

The only downside is that the effects of Meditation only last for 20 seconds.

Super Vegeta’s Inner Peace review

  • Ki efficient
    • Super Vegeta’s extra Ki damage mixed with Meditation’s extra Ki is a fiendish combo.
  • Straightforward
    • There isn’t any complex tech or strategy employed here. All you need is two simple abilities.
  • Temporary
    • The added effects of Meditation only last 20 seconds.

Super Vegeta’s Inner Peace details

  • Skills used by Vegeta and Jiren
  • Useful for low Ki stat builds

#9. Super Vegeta is Pathetic?! (Good for PvE)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (2)

See Super Vegeta in action

A moveset with the word pathetic in the name probably shouldn’t be on the list but the benefits are undeniable once this super soul is equipped.

Pathetic increases melee, Ki blast damage, and Ki restoration up to 10% each time a blazing attack is landed or blocked. Furthermore, the buffs stack up to 30% and it becomes immediately clear why mixing this Super Soul with the Super Vegeta transformation which already increases Ki blast and melee damage is a very potent combination

The only drawback is that Blazing Attack has to be landed for this to activate.

Super Vegeta is Pathetic review

  • Amazing damage increase
    • A 30% increase in Ki and Melee damage plus an extra 12.5% is very volatile.
  • 30% Ki restoration
    • Super Vegeta needs Ki to operate efficiently so being able to regenerate it quickly is very useful.
  • Land Blazing Attack
    • Stat increases don’t trigger until Blazing Attack is landed.

Super Vegeta is Pathetic details

  • Skills used by Vegeta and Super Saiyan God Vegeta
  • Obtained from Parallel Quests

#8. Emperor’s Death Beam One Shot (Good for PvP)

See Emperor’s Death Beam in action

An already exceedingly deadly ability used by the dastardly Frieza, this moveset pushes Emperor’s Death Beam over the edge and transforms it into a move that can almost assuredly one-shot any player it comes into contact with.

Emperor’s Death Beam can be obtained from the TP medal shop and must be paired with Goku’s Super Soul “Die” for this moveset to be effective. When the user is below 25% health and uses an ultimate this Super Soul doubles the strength of Ki blast attacks which can make Emperor's Death Beam fatal for anyone caught by it.

The biggest glaring issue with this ability is that the user must have already taken massive damage for this to be plausible.

Emperor's Death Beam One Shot review

  • Obscene damage
    • Emperor's Death Beam comes out wicked fast and does high damage as is. With this moveset, it might as well be a kill command.
  • Increases melee damage
    • As if doubling Ki blast damage wasn’t already insane this super soul also doubles the strength of melee attacks.
  • Last resort
    • The only way you can utilize this strategy is to take heavy damage.

Emperor's Death Beam One Shot details

  • Skills used by Golden Frieza and Goku
  • Obtained from TP medal shop

#7. SSGSSE Beyond (Good for PvP)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (4)

See SSGSSE in action

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Saiyan Evolution (abysmally long name) is probably the best transformation in the entire game bar none. The damage increase is unmatched and its only issue is the Ki drain which can be mitigated…but what if we made it better?

For this moveset, all you need to do is equip the “Pathetic” Super Soul and have Jiren’s Meditation as well as Blazing Attack in your skill set. When used correctly this will give you a 30% damage increase on top of your transformation's 35% damage increase for a total 65% damage increase.

Having meditation will also grant you more Ki and additional Ki restoration to ensure you can use this strategy to its maximum efficiency.

The biggest drawback of this strategy is the amount of prep time that goes into setting it up. You need to hit Blazing Attack three times, use meditation, and be in SSGSSE at once.

SSGSSE Beyond review

  • Horrifying damage
    • A 65% boost to all damage is unheard of and can MELT health.
  • Combat loop
    • Because of the way these skills interact with each other getting any one of them off makes it easier to land the other two.
  • Prep time
    • This strategy is a three-step process that takes quick thinking and excellent timing to pull off.

SSGSSE Beyond details

  • Skills used by Vegeta SSG, Jiren, and Vegeta SSGSSE
  • Unavailable before level 95

#6. Neo Super Saiyan God (good for PvE)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (5)

See Neo Super Saiyan God in action

Super Saiyan God is infamous for its monsterous melee boost increase so a divine technique like this pairing with Yamcha of all people may come as a shock.

All you need for this moveset is some solid points in strike supers, Neo Wolf Fang Fist, Super Saiyan God, and any melee-boosting Super Soul.

Super Saiyan God boosts melee damage by 60% and Neo Wolf Fang fist is the highest damaging strike skill in the game so combining the two is a recipe for destruction like no other.

Neo Super Saiyan God review

  • Absurd damage
    • If used on an enemy even twice the battle is effectively over unless they’re a tank like no other.
  • Easily accessible
    • This moveset only requires two easily acquired moves and is a straightforward process to follow through.
  • Ki cost
    • Neo Wolf Fang fist can drain a whopping seven bars of Ki at full power.

Neo Super Saiyan God details

  • Skills used by SSG Goku, SSG Vegeta, and Yamcha
  • Can be further customized with Super SOuls

#5. Revenge Death Ball One Shot (Good for PvP)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (6)

See Revenge Death Ball One Shot in action

Used by the wicked Baby Vegeta the Revenge Death Ball is malice given form and in Xenoverse 2 under the right circ*mstances it’s death-given form.

For this moveset you’ll need to activate Meditation before going into SSGSSE for the damage increase while having Gohan’s “I said don’t go easy on me!” Super Soul equipped.

Because the damage of Revenge Death Ball scales to the amount of Ki the user has while activating, Meditation allows the player to maximize the damage.

Revenge Death Ball One Shot review

  • One shot
    • When all factors are lined up this ultimate will slaughter any player in the game without exception.
  • Great Super Soul
    • Outside of the disgusting damage potential for Revenge Death Ball, Gohan’s Super Soul combined with SSGSSE is already a lethal mixture.
  • Massive set-up
    • FOUR factors must line up perfectly for this strategy to go off. I say this is a good thing due to how absurd this is.

Revenge Death Ball One Shot details

  • Skills used by Baby Vegeta, Teen Gohan, Jiren, and SSGSSE Vegeta
  • Easier to guarantee one shot if the Limit Burst is used

#4. SSGSSE Power Rush (Good for PvP)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (7)

See SSGSSE Power Rush in action

As we’ve explained, SSGSSE has the highest damage output among all the transformations in the game, but what happens when it’s boosted by a Super Soul and given a uniquely powerful ultimate?

This moveset is very simple. The player activates meditation before transforming into SSGSSE which is combined with Teen Gohan’s “I said don’t go easy on me!” Super Soul to increase the damage of ultimates.

Power rush is then used against the opponent and shreds their health to pieces, it does over 90% damage and is the highest damaging ultimate in the game.

The biggest issue with this move is that it takes TEN BARS of Ki to use.

SSGSSE Power Rush review

  • High damage
    • This attack rapidly destroys health, especially when the Limit Burst is used.
  • Combo potential
    • You can easily combo into Power Rush with melee attacks.
  • Ki cost
    • Ten bars of Ki is the highest Ki cost for any move in the game…not stellar.

SSGSSE Power Rush details

  • Skills used by SSGSSE Vegeta, Teen Gohan, and Jiren
  • Even more effective with the Limit Burst

#3. Limitless Ultra Instinct (Good for PvE/PvP)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (8)

See Ultra Instinct in action

A divine technique passed down by the angels, Ultra Instinct’s only issue stems from the fact that running out of stamina will end the transformation. But what if you didn’t run out of stamina?

For this moveset you’ll need some solid points in stamina, Krillin’s Super Soul “Power! A lotta power! It’s great!” and fighting pose J. The Super Soul will increase your Ki and stamina and fighting pose J will boost the speed at which it recovers.

Now this moveset doesn’t actually grant you limitless stamina, that would be ludicrous, however, this all works to ensure any stamina lost using Ultra Instinct can be restored quickly to keep the mode going.

Limitless Ultra Instinct review

  • High utility
    • The ability to dodge any melee attack for an extended period eliminates one of your opponent’s modes of attack.
  • Incredible resources
    • Even without Ultra Instinct in play the amount of Ki and stamina this build provides is second to none.
  • Stamina broken
    • The more stamina you have, the longer it takes to recover when stamina is broken. Having so much energy can work to your detriment if you’re stamina broken.

Limitless Ultra Instinct details

  • Skills used by Ultra Instinct Goku and Krillin
  • Pairs well with the Meditation skill

#2. Infinite Sword of Hope (Good for PvE)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (9)

See Infinite Sword of Hope in action

Integral in the fight against the immortal Zamasu, the Sword of Hope was a last-ditch effort by Future Trunks to vanquish the villain. Wouldn’t it be cool if the sword lasted longer? Time to find out.

For this moveset, you’ll want some decent points in Ki and strike supers and of course the Sword of Hope ultimate which can be purchased from the TP medal shop. After this you’ll want to equip SSGSSE for the damage boost and Android 17’s Super Soul “I have an unlimited energy supply…” which always applies Ki regen.

The reason this moveset works is that with the right amount of Ki, the restoration effects of your Super Soul will replenish your Ki as fast as the Sword of Hope drains it.

This isn’t truly infinite however, you can run out of Ki but it’s hard.

Infinite Sword of Hope review

  • Sword of Hope buffs
    • The Sword of Hope applies damage buffs and super armor. Mixed with SSGSSE, few enemies stand a ghost of a chance.
  • Permanent Ki restoration
    • You’ll never have to worry about being low on Ki again seeing as Android 17’s super soul will constantly replenish it.
  • Restricted moveset
    • While the Sword of Hope is active you won’t be able to use any other skills or moves.

Infinite Sword of Hope details

  • Skills used by Future Trunks, SSGSSE Vegeta, and Android 17
  • Super Soul lowers the strength of melee and Ki blast attacks

#1. Super Saiyan God Punchdown (Best)


[Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans (10)

See Super Saiyan God Punchdown in action

Known for its climatic fight against the God of Destruction Beerus, Super Saiyan God has a melee damage boost like no other and can slice through health bars like butter once a combo gets started…Let’s make it better.

For this moveset you’ll need points in basic attack, Super Saiyan God, Fruit of the Tree of Might, and the Super Soul “Buu’s reached full power!”

What this is going to do is increase Super Saiyan God’s melee damage to an obscene degree. When Ki is maxed out the Super Soul will increase the damage of all attacks and Fruit of the Tree of Might will further boost SSG’s damage.

Once that’s done all you need to do is start a combo and watch their health drip away.

Super Saiyan God Punchdown review

  • Monstrous damage
    • The damage on this moveset is unrivaled.
  • Speed increase
    • Landing basic attacks to take advantage of your increased damage won’t be hard since Super Saiyan God boosts your speed.
  • Set up
    • The setup for this moveset isn’t particularly convoluted but you do have to transform into SSG, max out your Ki, and eat the fruit of the tree to get active.

Super Saiyan God Punchdown details

  • Skills used by SSG Vegeta and Goku, Turles, and Majin Buu
  • Pairs very well with Wolf Fang Fist

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.