Tickets, The National at United Center, Tue Sep 24 (2024)


Concert Seating Chart NEW


'; no_tickets += '

'; $("#available_tickets").html(no_tickets); }}).done(function(data) { }).fail(function(data) { }).always(function(data) { }); } function format_ticket_list(data){ var list_html = "";var low_price = 5;var high_price = 10; if(data!="" && data.length > 0){low_price = data[0]['price'];high_price = data[0]['price']; $(data).each(function (index, value) { //console.log(value); var ticket_id = value['ticket_id']; var section_name = value['section_name'].toLowerCase(); var row_name = value['row_name'].toLowerCase(); var their_section_id = value['their_section_id']; var splits = value['splits']; splits = splits.replace('[',''); splits = splits.replace(']',''); var provider = value['provider'] var buy_url = value['url']; if(provider == 'stubhub'){ buy_url += '?byo=true&sid='+their_section_id+'&ticket_id='+ticket_id; }else if(provider == 'ticketcity'){ buy_url += '&acv=seating_chart&utm_source=aviewfrommyseat&utm_medium=seating_chart&inventory='+ticket_id; } var price = value['price']; var currency = value['currency']; currency = get_currency_symbol(currency); var quantity = value['quantity']; if(price > high_price){high_price = price; }else if(price < low_price){low_price = price; } var this_ticket = ''; this_ticket += '

'; this_ticket += '

'; this_ticket += '


'; this_ticket += '

row '+row_name; this_ticket += ' | '+quantity; if(quantity < 2){ this_ticket += ' ticket'; }else{ this_ticket += ' tickets'; } this_ticket += ''; this_ticket += '

'; this_ticket += '

'; this_ticket += '


'; this_ticket += '

'; list_html += this_ticket; }); } // highest price foundslider_max = high_price;setup_slider();setup_price_scale(low_price, high_price, data); $("#available_tickets").html(list_html); set_up_ticket_hovers(); } function setup_price_scale(low_price, high_price, data){// data is the ticket datavar price_diff = high_price - low_price;if(price_diff > 50){var segment = Math.round((price_diff *.75) / 5);color_code = true;price1 = low_price;price2 = price1 + segment;price3 = price2 + segment;price4 = price3 + segment;price5 = price4 + segment;if(data!="" && data.length > 0){$(data).each(function (index, value) {var section_name = value['section_name'].toLowerCase();var row_name = value['row_name'].toLowerCase();var marker = section_name+':'+row_name;var this_price = value['price'];if(this_price < price2){price1_rows.push(marker); }else if(this_price < price3){price2_rows.push(marker); }else if(this_price < price4){price3_rows.push(marker); }else if(this_price < price5){price4_rows.push(marker); }else{price5_rows.push(marker); }});}$("#slider-range").addClass("color_code");switchgeoJson(current_zoom, current_section);}}function setup_slider(){$( "#slider-range" ).slider({range: true,min: 0,max: slider_max,values: [ 0, slider_max ],slide: function( event, ui ) {price_min = ui.values[ 0 ];price_max = ui.values[ 1 ];$( "#amount" ).val( "$" + price_min + " - $" + price_max );},stop: function( event, ui ) {filter_ticket_listing();readjust_sorting();}});$( "#amount" ).val( "$" + $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 0 ) +" - $" + $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 1 ) );} function highlight_one_section(section_to_highlight){ bgjson.eachLayer(function (layer) {var section_name =; if(section_name == section_to_highlight){ layer.setStyle(hoverhighlightStyle); } }); } function highlight_one_row(row_to_highlight){ allrowjson.eachLayer(function (layer) {var section_name =; var row_name =; var marker_name = section_name+':'+row_name; if(marker_name == row_to_highlight){ layer.setStyle(hoverhighlightStyle); 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allrowjson = L.geoJson(rowJson,{style: clearStyle}).addTo(map); // add seat markers allrowjson.eachLayer(function (layer) { var section_name =; var row_name =; //var seat_name =; var marker_name = section_name+':'+row_name; // do the yellow row highlighting var look_for = $.trim(section_name.toLowerCase()+":"+row_name.toLowerCase()); // for showing photos var has_marker = rows_with_markers.lastIndexOf(marker_name.toLowerCase()); var has_photo = rows_with_photos.lastIndexOf(marker_name.toLowerCase()); var has_tickets = rows_with_tickets.indexOf(marker_name.toLowerCase()); // add WC icons if(has_accessible_rows > 0){ if(accessible_rows.indexOf(look_for) > -1 && accessible_rows_with_icons.indexOf(look_for) == -1){ var this_center = layer.getCenter(); var this_marker = L.marker(this_center, {icon: wcIcon}); markers.addLayer(this_marker); accessible_rows_with_icons.push(look_for); } } if(has_tickets != -1 ){ layer.setStyle(rowStyle);if(color_code == true){ // row styles should get applied hereif(price1_rows.lastIndexOf(marker_name.toLowerCase()) != -1){layer.setStyle(rowPrice1);}else if(price2_rows.lastIndexOf(marker_name.toLowerCase()) != -1){layer.setStyle(rowPrice2);}else if(price3_rows.lastIndexOf(marker_name.toLowerCase()) != -1){layer.setStyle(rowPrice3);}else if(price4_rows.lastIndexOf(marker_name.toLowerCase()) != -1){layer.setStyle(rowPrice4);}else if(price5_rows.lastIndexOf(marker_name.toLowerCase()) != -1){layer.setStyle(rowPrice5);}} // if a shape was somhow saved, but has no coordinates try{var row_location = layer.getBounds().getCenter();layer.on('mouseover', function (e) {make_mini_photo_popup([row_location['lat'], row_location['lng']], section_name, row_name, "");}); layer.on('mouseout', function (e) { map.closePopup();}); layer.on('click', function (e) { var marker_name = section_name+':'+row_name; highlight_one_row(section_name, row_name); open_gallery(section_name, row_name); pan_and_highlight_section(section_name, row_name); }); }catch{// do nothing} } });}function make_mini_photo_popup(latlng, section_name, row_name, seat_name){ // the first time green is clicked, bring map into better view if(has_scrolled == false){ has_scrolled = true; $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({ scrollTop: $("#chart_container").offset().top }, 500); }/* Patch to accomidate gates and things that don't have rows */ if(row_name == "empty"){ row_name = ""; }var gallery_link = 'open_gallery(\''+section_name+'\',\''+row_name+'\');'; var content = ''; content += '

'; // added for ticketing var ticket_data = get_tickets_for_section(section_name, row_name); if(ticket_data!=""){ popup .setLatLng(latlng) .setContent(content) .openOn(map); } } function get_tickets_for_section(section, row){$.getJSON( "",{"event_id": "2070187", "section": section, "row": row, "quantity": number_of_tickets},function(data) {if(data!=""){// safety checksvar data_length = data.length;if(data_length > 0){var content = format_mini_ticket_content(data);$("#mini_tickets").html(content);}}}).done(function(data) { }).fail(function(data) { }).always(function(data) { });}function format_mini_ticket_content(data){var section = data[0]['section_name'];var their_section = data[0]['their_section'];var row = data[0]['row_name'];var price = data[0]['price'];var currency = data[0]['currency'];var provider = data[0]['provider'];var quantity = data[0]['quantity'];var currency_symbol = get_currency_symbol(currency);// count total tickets herevar total = 0;$(data).each(function (index, value) {var quantity = value['quantity'];total += parseFloat(quantity);});var html = '


';return html;}function open_gallery(section_name, row_name){ $("#spotlight").fadeIn();$("#ticket_data").html("");$("#reviews").html(""); $("#review_title").html(""); // #gallery_title should get set here var content = '';var gallery_title = 'United Center » section '+section_name+' » row '+row_name+''; $("#gallery_title").html(gallery_title); // clear old structured data first$("#structured_data").html("");$("#structured_data").removeClass("structured_data");var first_photo = ''; /*Try and find photos for this section and row*/$.getJSON( "",{"venue": "United Center", "photo_type": "concert", "section": section_name, "row": row_name, "total": "all"},function(data) { // set up big photoif(data!="" && data.length > 0){ // set up the galleryformat_gallery(data);first_photo = data[0]['index'];// set up structured dataget_photo_tags(first_photo, section_name, row_name); $("#review_title").html('Photos in section '+section_name+', row '+row_name+''); }else{/*Try and find photos that are close to this row*/ $.getJSON( "", {"venue": "United Center", "photo_type": "concert", "section": section_name, "row": row_name, "total": "all", "close_rows":"1" }, function(data) { // set up big photo if(data!="" && data.length > 0){ // set up the gallery format_gallery(data); $("#review_title").html('Photos in section '+section_name+', close to row '+row_name+''); }else{ /*Try and find photos for this section that just match the photo type*/$.getJSON( "",{"venue": "United Center", "photo_type": "", "section": section_name, "row": "", "total": "all"},function(data) {// set up big photoif(data!="" && data.length > 0){// set up the galleryformat_gallery(data);$("#review_title").html('Photos in section '+section_name+'');}else{/*Try and find photos for this section that just match the photo type*/$.getJSON( "",{"venue": "United Center", "photo_type": "", "section": section_name, "row": "", "total": "all"},function(data) {// set up big photoif(data!="" && data.length > 0){// set up the galleryformat_gallery(data);$("#review_title").html('All photos in section '+section_name+'
No concert photos found.');}else{// no photos for the section evenvar placeholder_content = '

No photo reviews available.

Be the first to share a photo from here.

Tickets, The National at United Center, Tue Sep 24 (1)

';$("#reviews").html(placeholder_content);}}).done(function(data){}).fail(function(data){}).always(function(data){}); }}).done(function(data){}).fail(function(data){}).always(function(data){}); } }) .done(function(data){}) .fail(function(data){}) .always(function(data){}); }}).done(function(data) {// no photos available, get section tagsif(first_photo == ''){ get_venue_tags("United Center", section_name, row_name)}}).fail(function(data) {}).always(function(data) { }); // check ticketsget_gallery_tickets(section_name, row_name); } function get_gallery_tickets(section_name, row_name=""){// clear out past data$.getJSON( "",{"event_id": "2070187", "section": section_name, "row": row_name, "quantity": number_of_tickets},function(data) {// set up big photoif(data != "" && data.length > 0){// set up the galleryformat_gallery_tickets(data);}}).done(function(data) { }).fail(function(data) {}).always(function(data) { });}function format_gallery_tickets(data){if(data != "" && data.length > 0){var content = '


';content += '

';$(data).each(function (index, value) {var event_id = value['event_id'];var section_name = value['section_name']; var their_section = value['their_section'];var their_section_id = value['their_section_id'];var row_name = value['row_name'];var quantity = value['quantity'];var price = value['price'];var currency = value['currency'];var notes = value['notes'];var provider = value['provider'];var url = value['url']; var ticket_id = value['ticket_id']; if(provider == 'ticketcity'){ url += '&acv=seating_chart&utm_source=aviewfrommyseat&utm_medium=seating_chart&inventory='+ticket_id; // this part isn't working at the moment var their_section_link = their_section.replaceAll(" ","@-@");url += "#"+their_section_link; }else if(provider == 'stubhub'){ url += '?byo=true&sid='+their_section_id+'&ticket_id='+ticket_id; } if(section_name == ""){ section_name = their_section; } var currency_symbol = get_currency_symbol(currency);content += '

';content += '';content += ''+section_name+'';content += 'row '+row_name+' | '; content += ''+quantity+' tickets'; content += '';content += '';content += ''+currency_symbol+price+''+provider+'';content += '

';});content += '

';$("#ticket_data").html(content);if($("#sv_photo_gallery").is(":hidden")){ // show gallery$("#sv_photo_gallery").show();// hide main scroll bar$("body").css('overflow', 'hidden');// make grey area clickable, to close gallery$("#sv_photo_gallery .grey").click(function(){$("body").css('overflow', 'auto');$("#sv_photo_gallery").hide(); switchgeoJson(current_zoom, current_section);$("#spotlight").fadeOut();});// make grey area clickable, to close gallery$("#sv_photo_gallery .close").click(function(){$("body").css('overflow', 'auto');$("#sv_photo_gallery").hide(); switchgeoJson(current_zoom, current_section);$("#spotlight").fadeOut();});}}}function format_gallery(data){ var content = ''; if(data !="" && data.length > 0){ $(data).each(function (index, value) {var index = value['index'];var image = value['image'];var venue = value['venue'];var section = value['section'];var row = value['row'];var seat = value['seat'];var member = value['member_name'];var reviews = value['reviews'];var video = value['video'];var rating = make_rating(value['rating'], 16);var note = stripslashes(value['note']);var clean_venue = clean_link_text(venue);var clean_section = clean_link_text(section);var clean_row = clean_link_text(row);var clean_seat = clean_link_text(seat);if(member == null){member = 'anonymous';}var play_button = '';if(video != ""){ play_button = 'Tickets, The National at United Center, Tue Sep 24 (2)';}var photo_link = '/photo/'+index+'/'+clean_venue+'/section-'+clean_section+'/row-'+clean_row+'/seat-'+clean_seat+'/';content += '

';content += '

';content += ''+member+'';content += ''+rating+'';content += '

';content += '

';content += ''+play_button+'';content += '

';content += '

';content += '


';content += '


';content += '

';content += '

';content += '

';content += '


';content += '


';content += '

';content += '

';content += '


';content += '


';content += '

';content += '

';content += '


';content += '


';content += '

';content += '

';content += '

';});}// add reviews to div$("#reviews").html(content);// show gallery$("#sv_photo_gallery").show();// hide main scroll bar$("body").css('overflow', 'hidden');// make grey area clickable, to close gallery$("#sv_photo_gallery .grey").click(function(){$("body").css('overflow', 'auto');$("#sv_photo_gallery").hide(); switchgeoJson(current_zoom, current_section);$("#spotlight").fadeOut();});// make grey area clickable, to close gallery$("#sv_photo_gallery .close").click(function(){$("body").css('overflow', 'auto');$("#sv_photo_gallery").hide(); switchgeoJson(current_zoom, current_section);$("#spotlight").fadeOut();});}function make_rating(rating, size){// 12, 16, 18var num = parseFloat(rating);num = Math.round(num*2)/2;var rating_image = '';if(num > 0){rating_image = 'Tickets, The National at United Center, Tue Sep 24 (4) dumb color coding hack */if(num == .5){rating_image += '0_5';}else if(num == 1){rating_image += '1_0';}else if(num == 1.5){rating_image += '1_5';}else if(num == 2){rating_image += '2_0';}else if(num == 2.5){rating_image += '2_5';}else if(num == 3){rating_image += '3_0';}else if(num == 3.5){rating_image += '3_5';}else if(num == 4){rating_image += '4_0';}else if(num == 4.5){rating_image += '4_5';}else if(num == 5){rating_image += '5_0';}rating_image += '.png" />';}return rating_image;}function clean_link_text(text){var clean_text = text.toLowerCase();clean_text = clean_text.split(' ').join('+');clean_text = clean_text.split('&').join('-and-');clean_text = escape(clean_text);return clean_text;}function stripslashes(str) { return (str + '').replace(/\\(.?)/g, function (s, n1) {switch (n1) {case '\\': return '\\';case '0': return '\u0000';case '': return '';default: return n1;} });}function get_currency_symbol(currency){currency = currency.toLowerCase();var symbol = "$";switch(currency) { case 'gbp':symbol = "£";break; case 'eur':symbol = "€";break; case 'cad':symbol = "$";break; case 'jpy':symbol = "¥";break; case 'aud':symbol = "$";break; case 'sek':symbol = "k";break; case 'nzd':symbol = "$";break; case 'pln':symbol = "zł";break; case 'dkk':symbol = "kr";break;}return symbol;}function find_rows_with_stat(row_stat){$.getJSON( "",{"venue_id": "73", "row_stat": row_stat, "photo_type": "concert",},function(data) { make_list_of_rows_with_stat(data);}).done(function(data) { }).fail(function(data) { }).always(function(data) { });}function make_list_of_rows_with_stat(data){// clear the arrays//sections_to_highlight = [];accessible_rows = [];if(data != "" && data.length >= 1){$.each(data, function(key,val) {var combo_name = val.section.toLowerCase()+":"+val.row.toLowerCase();accessible_rows.push($.trim(combo_name));});}switchgeoJson(current_zoom);} function make_filter_request(venue_id, photo_type, filter){if(photo_type.toLowerCase() == 'all'){photo_type = '';} $.getJSON( "/ajax/venue_sections_for_filter.php?jsoncallback=?",{"venue_id": venue_id, "photo_type":photo_type, "filter": filter},function(data) {highlight_sections(data);}).done(function(data) { }).fail(function(data) { }).always(function(data) { }); } function highlight_sections(data){var section,section_shape;// clear the arrayssections_to_highlight = [];//accessible_rows = [];if(data != "" && data.length >= 1){$.each(data, function(key, val) {section = val.section_name.toLowerCase();// make an array of sections to highlightsections_to_highlight.push(section);});}// recall the layout partswitchgeoJson(current_zoom, current_section);}function get_photo_tags(photo_id, section_name, row_name){// clear old structured data first$("#structured_data").html("");$("#structured_data").removeClass("structured_data");$.getJSON( "",{"photo_id": photo_id},function(data) { if(data!=""){ format_structured_data(data, section_name, row_name);}}).done(function(data) { }).fail(function(data) { }).always(function(data) { });}function get_venue_tags(venue, section_name, row_name){// clear old structured data first$("#structured_data").html("");$("#structured_data").removeClass("structured_data");$.getJSON( "",{"venue": venue, "section": section_name, "row": row_name, "photo_type": "concert"},function(data) {if(data!=""){ format_structured_data(data, section_name, row_name);}}).done(function(data) { }).fail(function(data) { }).always(function(data) { });}function format_structured_data(data, section_name, row_name){//console.log("row: "+row_name);// fallback safety, this should already be cleared$("#structured_data").html("");$("#structured_data").removeClass("structured_data");// get for format structured datavar content = '';var section_tags = data['section_tags'];var row_tags = data['row_tags'];var ratings = data['section_rating'];if(ratings != ""){ if(ratings['rating'] != 0){var stars = make_rating(ratings['rating'], 12); content += '

';content += '

Section Rating

';content += '


'; content += '


';content += '

'+ratings['rating_count']+' ratings

'; content += '

'; }}if(section_tags != "" && section_name != undefined){var section_tag_string = "Section %s is tagged with";var bold_section_name = ''+section_name+'';section_tag_string = section_tag_string.replace('%s', bold_section_name); content += '

';content += ''+section_tag_string+':';content += '

';$.each(section_tags, function(key, val) {content += '';content += ' ';content += ''+val['question']+'';content += '';});content += '

';content += '

';}if(row_tags != "" && row_name != undefined){var row_tag_string = "Row %s is tagged with";var bold_row_name = ''+row_name+'';row_tag_string = row_tag_string.replace("%s", bold_row_name); content += '

';content += ''+row_tag_string+':';content += '

';$.each(row_tags, function(key, val) { var icon = '✓'; if(val['question'] == 'is accessible'){ icon = 'Tickets, The National at United Center, Tue Sep 24 (5)'; } content += '';content += ''+icon+' ';content += ''+val['question']+'';content += '';});content += '

';content += '

';}if(content != ""){ $("#structured_data").addClass("structured_data"); $("#structured_data").html(content);}} function position_scroll_things(stickyOffset){ // zoom functions var sticky = $('.leaflet-control-container'); var chart_key = $('#chart_key'); var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); var map_height = $("#sv_chart").height(); var zoom_home = $("#zoom_home"); if (scroll >= stickyOffset && scroll <= map_height){ sticky.addClass('fixed'); chart_key.addClass('fixed');zoom_home.addClass('fixed'); }else{ sticky.removeClass('fixed'); chart_key.removeClass('fixed');zoom_home.removeClass('fixed'); } // don't do this on mobile var window_width = $(window).width(); if(window_width >= 768){ // tickets widget var sticky = $('#all_tickets'), scroll = $(window).scrollTop()+120; if (scroll >= stickyOffset && scroll <= map_height){ sticky.addClass('fixed'); }else{ sticky.removeClass('fixed'); } } } // this positions the zoom controls and sidebar better $(function(){ var stickyOffset = $('.leaflet-control-container').offset().top; $(window).scroll(function(){ // on scroll readjust position_scroll_things(stickyOffset); }); // on load or refresh setup position_scroll_things(stickyOffset); });


Green rows have tickets

Tickets, The National at United Center, Tue Sep 24 (6)

Tickets, The National at United Center, Tue Sep 24 (2024)


How many seats are in the United Center concert? ›

With a capacity of nearly 21,000, the United Center is the largest arena by capacity in the NBA, and second largest arena by capacity in the NHL. It also has a seating capacity of 23,500 for concerts.

How to get United Center presale? ›

Sign up for the United Center Newsletter for exclusive presales, special offers, and more.

Can you bring a vape into United Center? ›

Smoking of any type is not permitted anywhere inside the arena or on the United Center campus.

How early should I get to United Center for a concert? ›

Guests have access to the United Center and the Rental Suite 1 ½ hours prior to the start of the game or event. For some special events (family shows, etc.), gates will open approximately 1 hour before the start time of the event.

Where is the best place to sit at a concert at the United Center? ›

Best Seats For a Concert at United Center

On the Floor: Sections Floor 1, Floor 2, Floor 3 and Floor 4 are Floor Seats, which offer some of the closest views of the performers.

Can you bring a purse into the United Center? ›

Guests are able to enter the arena with a small purse or personal bag up to 10" x 6" x 2". No backpacks or other bags are allowed. Exceptions for guests with required medical equipment will be provided. Bag check is available in United Center Parking Lot J on Wood St.

Is it cheaper to get tickets during presale? ›

Not necessarily. While presale tickets may sometimes be priced slightly higher due to their exclusive nature, they often come with discounts or special offers, making them a great value for attendees.

How much is United Center parking? ›

How much is parking at the United Center? Official lots around the United Center run about $24 for a regular-season game or special event. Most public parking lots surrounding the United Center average from $15 - $20. Prices are subject to change based on demand.

How to upgrade seats at United Center? ›

Access your United Center ClickTix account to order additional suite tickets and special event tickets, update your account information and more.

Is the United Center cashless? ›


Can I bring water into the United Center? ›

For safety and sanitation reasons, no outside food or drink may be brought into the United Center.

What gate do you use to get into the United Center? ›

To access the United Center and the Premium Seating Levels, you may enter at Gate 2½ on Madison Street, or Gate 6 ½ on Adams Street (through Lot K).

Are concerts at United Center good? ›

The sight lines and acoustics are good everywhere, and even if behind the stage, video screens are usually set up for the concerts to have a frontal view of the performers. We have found concert sound quality depends more on the band's sound people.

Can you take the blue line to the United Center? ›

United Center

The stadium is just a few blocks north of the Illinois Medical District stop on the CTA Blue Line. The shortest walk is by exiting the station to Damen Avenue (western-most exit) and walk north on Damen to Madison.

How early should I get in line for a concert? ›

Arrive right when the doors open if you have general admission tickets. Sometimes this is only an hour before the show begins, and other times it's hours. Depending on how committed you are to getting a spot in the front row, you should get there as early as you can.

How many seats are in the Bank of America stadium for concerts? ›

How many seats per row does United Center have with seat numbers? ›

Floor section rows are labeled from 1 to 27, and seats within these rows generally range from 1 to 14, increasing from left to right as you face the stage. Utilize our seating charts to select seats that offer a central view of the stage.

How many seats are in the climate pledge arena for concerts? ›

How many seats are in the US Bank Stadium for concerts? ›

The seating capacity is 66,860 for most games, slightly more than the Metrodome, and can be expanded to 73,000 for soccer, concerts, and special events, such as the Super Bowl.


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Views: 5553

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.